Brian has taken this week off so we headed up to Chattanooga for a couple of days and went to the aquarium. Kate loved it and I think John was mildly amused. I will post pics as soon as I download them. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Brian has taken this week off so we headed up to Chattanooga for a couple of days and went to the aquarium. Kate loved it and I think John was mildly amused. I will post pics as soon as I download them. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
Posted by
3:36 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
He really did it this time!
Today I was making bows (as usual) and I turned around and was talking to John because he was flirting with one of Kate's baby dolls and all of a sudden he rolled over all by himself! There was nothing to help pull him over or to kick off of. I am so proud and so sad at the same time. My little man is growing up so fast!
Posted by
3:39 PM
Monday, November 17, 2008
He did it!
Last night and early this morning, when I went to feed John he had rolled over onto his back! That is right, he rolled over. I think he can only do it in his crib because he is probably kicking himself over by pushing off of the bed. He seemed really pleased about it. Of course he could have just been smiling because he saw how beautiful I look when I wake up at different hours of the night!
Posted by
2:13 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Busy, Busy, Busy
I have been extremely busy lately. I have begun selling bows and it is taking up an extraordinary amount of time. I am having a blast doing it though! Last weekend I went with Ladydoos and another friend to Prince of Peace Catholic Church to sell bows and did fairly decent. This weekend I set up a table at a Vendor Show in Helena. I did pretty good at it too. I have now signed myself up for a Winter Festival this weekend at an Elementary School and I'm trying to get into a home show on Dec. 5. So needless to say, I will be busy until then. Along with Thanksgiving of course.
John is growing like a weed. He is the complete length of his changing table in his pack and play. I'm sure he exceeds the weight for it also, but I still put him there. He is trying really hard to roll over, but can only get on his side and then kicks like a crazy man trying to get the rest of the way over. He is also drooling quite a bit, but I don't feel any teeth yet. He has been jumping quite a bit in his jumping chair that attaches to the door frame and he sits in his excersaucer too.
Kate is getting bigger everyday. I swear she has gotten taller. She always has something interesting to say. For example, she told Brian and I that when she gets older, that she was going to drive his car and he could drive the old truck. I asked her where she was going to drive to and she said that she was just going to go to one of her friends house! She is already talking like a teenager! She has been telling me no a lot too. Or that she doesn't feel like doing what I ask her to do.
So this is my update. If anyone would like to check out my bows, I have an etsy account where I am selling them.
Posted by
7:59 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Christmas Extravaganza
Please visit our vendor show. I will be selling unique hairbows! It will be a lot of fun and there are free snacks! That is right people..... free snacks!
Posted by
9:38 AM
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
So Cute
Posted by
9:04 AM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
3 Months Old
Yesterday marked John's 3rd month. He has grown so much and is such a good baby. He is a happy baby and wants to be held and fed all the time. He has not yet started to roll over because he is typically happy on his tummy or his back, whichever I lay him on. He is however scooting on the floor when he is on his tummy. He moves fast too. I hope this is not a sign that he will crawl soon!
We went to the pumpkin patch last week and had a lot of fun. Kate of course liked it more than John as he was just along for the ride. Last night she heard a noise that sounded like a gun shot or fireworks and she said, "Listen momma, cracker fires!" She cracks me up. I would post pics of the kids, but for some reason it won't let me. Maybe tomorrow!
Posted by
7:29 AM
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Today on the way home from MDO Kate decided to tell me something I just have to share. So here goes:
Kate: Mom, do you know that Jesus turns the trees red?
Me: You mean the leaves?
Kate: Yeah, the leaves. I wish he wouldn't do that because it makes me nervous because they make me so itchy!
Me: It makes you nervous?
Kate: Yep!
Me: Ok.
Why argue about her feelings. It is so funny to hear her try to make sense of it all.
John is still sleeping all night. From around 8:30 or 9 till 5:30 or 6. It is wonderful. Or it would be wonderful if Kate would sleep all night. She is waking up about once or twice during the night. I swear I want to duck tape her to her bed. Of course I would have to duck tape her mouth also!
Posted by
3:17 PM
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
John slept all night last night. From around 8:30 till around 5:50! He is so precious when he sleeps.
I contribute the jammies I put on him last night for the miracle that happened. I'll show you why....
He must be a Bama fan like his momma!
Roll Tide!
Posted by
7:55 AM
Friday, September 26, 2008
Ice Skating and New Pictures
Posted by
2:27 PM
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
10 Weeks Old
John is 10 Weeks old today. Time has flown by. He is so sweet and such a talker. He screams a lot, but mostly because he wants to eat or be held. He smiles a lot when I talk to him and it just makes me melt. I didn't realize that I could love someone as much as I love Kate, but I do. I just feel so connected with him. I think it is becaus I knew what I was in store for before I had him and I'm not so nervous about what to do. I can just enjoy this time with him. At his latest appt. he weighed 12 pounds and is 26 1/4 inches long. He is getting so big and I'm really very sad about it. Well, gotta go change a stinky diaper.
Posted by
1:18 PM
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
So This is What Heaven's Like....
They are both asleep, at the same time!!!!!!! Yes, you read that correctly. I actually got Kate to take a nap. It's a miracle. I don't know what to do with myself!!!
Posted by
1:53 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
All Night!!!!
Last night will mark an important milestone.... they both slept all night! I know it is a fluke, but I don't care. It was wonderful. Kate didn't put up a fight to go to sleep at all. She told me she was ready to go to sleep. No, I promise I did not drug her! Now tonight, they will probably be up all night and I will kick myself for blogging about this!
Posted by
6:38 AM
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
One Little Monkey Jumping on the Bed
I am not sure what to do, but Kate has recently been so defiant and she thinks it is so funny to jump on beds. I've told her to stop, but she ignores me. Threatening her life hasn't helped either. Since the homecoming of her brother, she has had some slight behavior problems. She can't get enough attention and usually she wants something when I have to feed John or I'm changing him or I'm trying to put him to sleep. She also has no concept of being quiet so we don't wake the baby. She also will not allow me to nap during the day, and boy do I need a nap. He is awake every three hours and in between that she gets up and wants something. So basically, I'm not all here, but I'm just trying to keep it together at this point. The house is gross, but the dishes are washed and the laundry's done. And we all ate dinner. I think that is pretty good at this point!
Posted by
9:43 PM
Friday, August 8, 2008
Ballerina? Probably not.
I just signed Kate up for a ballet/tap/tumbling class. She is super excited so I took her out the other day to buy her a leotard and tights to wear. As soon as she got home she wanted to put it on and her ballet shoes and show her GiGi. Here are some pics I took.
Posted by
4:40 PM
2 Week Check-up
Wednesday was John's 2 week check-up and it went pretty well. They did another PKU test and he screamed his little head off. I felt so bad!!!! He was 7 lbs 6 oz when he was born, and at the check-up he was 8 lbs 11 1/2 0z. Yes, he loves to eat! He is now 21 inches long so he grew an inch longer. I think that about covers it. He is still as cute as ever and still not sleeping a lot at night. Pray for a better night schedule for us!
Posted by
4:40 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
He's Here!
Posted by
5:44 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Cry for Help
If anyone that reads this knows some magical way or special way to get your water to break, please let me know. I will owe you big time. I'm not sure I will make it till Tuesday.
Posted by
4:43 PM
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Interesting Week
So Monday I spent about 3 1/2 hours in Labor and Delivery to be sent home. I was contracting pretty well when I went in, but it eventually faded away. It didn't help me dialate any more so they sent me home. I was a little bummed. Anyways, went to the doc today and I am now 3 1/2 cm dialated. Forgot to ask about effacement, but I'm so close to 4 cm I don't care. Of course 3 1/2 cm is not enough to keep me, so we scheduled an induction for Tuesday, July 15. So this is officially what I like to call Eviction Day! I'm evicting his butt from my body. When the doc measured me today, she said he was measuring a little small, so she sent me to get an ultrasound. Everything seems to be ok and he is 6 lbs 9 oz as of right now. I wouldn't consider this measuring small as Kate was 7 lbs 2 oz. So hopefully he will be just a little bigger on E-Day. Unless of course I go before E-day, which would be fine.
Posted by
9:09 PM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
News from the doctor
So I went yesterday for my weekly appt. and everything is going beautifully. For those of you that know the lingo, here goes. He is not engaged, but he is down there and she could feel his head as I am now three cm dialated and 75% effaced. Doctor said I could go any day now since I am going so quickly and she would be surprised if she saw me next week at my scheduled appt. So, now I'm a little nervous about it because you never know how labor will pan out. I had such a good experience with Kate that I'm afraid this one will be horrible. I hope not. I've heard the second labor goes faster than the first one. I was induced with Kate so I went in the morning and had her by 3:30 that afternoon, had little to no pain and everything went smoothly. So, I guess we will see what happens. I'm a little leary that he will be born on July 4th, but Brian says he thinks that might be cool b/c Kate was born on a Mexican Independence day and our son would be born on an American Independence day. So that is the news....... will update if something happens before next week!
Posted by
7:58 AM
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Shout Out
Just wanted to do a shout out to some of the girls I hang out with for being so supportive of me through this pregnancy and listening to me whine. I couldn't ask for better friends. Thanks for the shower! We had a great time and hope we can do something just as nice for all of you in the future.
Posted by
11:42 AM
Our Lake Child
Posted by
11:42 AM
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
36 Week Appointment
Got back a couple of hours ago from my 36 week appt and things are progressing smoothly. I am now 2 cm dialated and still 50 % effaced. I was really hoping that I would be a little further along, but I'm glad I did something. So I guess we will see what next week brings!
Posted by
4:11 PM
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Updated news on John Rinne
Yes people, he has a name. Hubby and Kate have insisted his name be John, so I caved and gave in. Still not sure about a middle name. I went to the doctor last Thursday and got great news. So far in this pregnancy I've only gained 17 pounds. Yay! Also all my vitals were good and the best news of all is that I am now dialated 1 cm and effaced 50%. So I'm well on my way to having this baby. I know that 1 cm doesn't mean a lot, but the effacement does. I'm also on my every week visits so we will see this Wednesday if I have progressed any more. If those steps I walked this weekend at the lake didn't help, nothing will! Or the bumpy boat ride...... I thought I would die or he would fall out! Anyways, just wanted to post an update!
Posted by
4:08 PM
Labels: Baby Boy
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Thoughts on Being a Mother of Two
Since D-Day is getting closer (about 5 weeks), I've been thinking more and more about being the mother of two children. Silly, huh? Since I've had Kate, I have learned so much from trial and error with her. I realize now that being a mother is the hardest job that anyone has. And the best. But can I really handle two? Kate is a handful and now I'm going to have another one. Thank God he won't be able to run away from me immediately. Don't get me wrong, I am totally excited about his arrival and us just having him. I can't wait to hold him and love on him and show him the world. I just wonder if I can do it and control Kate at the same time.
I now have an even greater respect for people with more than one child. I have several friends that have more than one and I've always been in awe that they handled it so well. Now my respect for them has increased tremendously as my 3 year old is out of control and I'm about to have a newborn. How do they do it? And keep their sanity? I have a friend who has four girls who range in ages from 12 to 4 and she pretty much always has it together. She is my mentor! I just want to be calm and enjoy the kids while I can and not completely lose my mind. Anyways, I know it is Father's Day weekend and we are supposed to be celebrating Fathers everywhere but today, I would like to give a shout out to not only mom's of one child, but to those with multiple children who can keep it together. I am truly in awe of your patience and ability to handle the everyday trials of motherhood!
Posted by
7:52 AM
Labels: Motherhood
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot!!!!!
I think that song is appropriate at this time. It is so stinking hot right now. I'm sweating right now and I'm inside with the air conditioner pumping and the fan going. Not helping! I went outside a little while ago and the heat hit me like a wall and I immediately started sweating. I know.... gross. Why are you blogging about sweating???? Well, it is my blog and I figure I can blog about whatever I want to. I'm almost embarrassed to go anywhere because my deodorant, no matter how much I put on, is not helping. I just want to float in a cool pool all day! I've even read on a pregnancy board that some woman was sweating so bad that she was putting pads (sanitary) under her arms so her shirt wouldn't get soaked. I don't think I could do that because if someone saw them, I would die. So if I look like I took a shower in my clothes when you see me it is because I refuse to put pads under my arms. I just can't go there!
Posted by
10:59 AM
Friday, June 6, 2008
Time is flying by....
It seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant and here it is, about 46 more days to go. Hopefully sooner. We are all getting pretty anxious for him to arrive even though we have still not decided on a name yet. We are kinda to that point where we don't even want to talk about it. Why is it so hard for us to decide on a name?????
Kate and I have kept very busy lately. I've been trying to finalize getting things ready for the baby and she wants to play constantly. She has been helping me with some of the baby stuff. I've also had her enrolled in swim lessons, which she loves. We have finally gotten our ski boat out on the water and it was so nice. Kate loved it and of course she loved swimming too. I also talked her into riding a jet ski. I don't know what changed her mind, but she loves it now. She won't however, ride with her daddy b/c he soaked us with the other jet ski and now she thinks if she rides with him, he will splash her. I'm so glad that she loves being in the water because I'm not sure that her daddy and I would be able to handle her not loving the water. We both grew up around and in the water and with boats so we love it. She definitely has the gene for it. Just hope the little one likes it too. I was worried I wouldn't be able to be on the boat a lot because of the pregnancy, but it doesn't seem to be bothering me that much. I just wish I could ski. I've pulled Brian wake boarding, and it makes me so jealous, b/c I want to ski so bad. I can't believe I'm not going to get to all summer!!!!! Oh well, at least I can swim and ride in the boat until D-Day.
Posted by
3:24 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Six Random Things
Here's how it works...I was tagged by The Mommy Diaries to identify six random things about myself, then I have to tag six other bloggers and have them do the same thing. So here goes...
1) I love, love, love making things. I pretty much would try anything if someone was willing to show me how. My problem is that I don't usually want to make one thing all the time. I get bored really easy.
2) When I open packages, they must be open from the top. Doesn't matter what it is. My spastic side won't let me open it any other way.
3) I don't like cooking. Not great at it and it brings me no pleasure. I love to bake stuff! Probably because I love desserts!
4) I love to travel, but don't because of the hubby. He acts like he wants to but will never plan for it and then if we actually do go somewhere he usually complains the whole time about spending the money when we could use it for something useful or makes me miserable. Hopefully this will get better.
5) I am not a germ-a-phobe. I do like things clean, but it seems like the harder I clean, the faster it gets dirty (house, kid, etc.). I let my kid get dirty because I know it is good for her to get some germs. However, there are some things even I can't handle.
6) I hate being cold. I could never move somewhere where it is cold most of the time. I would die!
I guess that is about it. I'm not sure if We Doo, Do You? has been tagged yet or not, so if not, you are tagged!
Posted by
6:05 PM
Monday, May 5, 2008
Swim Lessons
Today Kate started her very first swim lessons. She did such a great job. Of course, no fear! She was so excited and had such a good time that she wanted to do it again.... right after the class was over! Here are some pics of our first swim lesson.
Posted by
1:54 PM
Kate is Three Today!
Today my baby turned three and I feel like it just can't be. She has grown up way too fast and I don't want her to. She is such a big girl. She has been potty trained for almost a year now and we can have full conversations now. She is so creative and has the greatest imagination. She is loving and concerned when her friends get hurt or when people are sick. She loves babies and animals. She loves to climb and swing and slide and just play with her friends. She has been such a blessing to me and I can't imagine my life without her. It is so amazing to get to watch her grow and learn and surprising enough I am learning a lot from her too. When I met her father I thought I would never meet anyone else just like him. I love him so much and it astounds me that I can love someone that makes me so happy but so crazy at the same time. I understand him and don't at the same time. We've been married for eight years now and I'm still astounded at these feelings for him and I thought about three years ago I would never meet anyone who made me feel this way until now. My child is my husband. She may look like me but every ounce of her is him. She gives me such happiness and drives me crazy at the same time. She wants to fix everything just like her daddy. She tries to make deals, just like her daddy. She is stubborn, hard headed, and a smart mouth just like her daddy. She does get his loving side. She loves kisses and hugs. She has a great memory just like him. Don't ever tell her something if you don't want her to remind you later! Anyways, I'm rambling. Happy Birthday Baby! I love you.
Posted by
1:54 PM
Playing Catch Up
It has been awhile since I've blogged but a lot has been going on. So let me try to catch you up. We are not quite through with baby boy's room yet, but it is mostly done. As you can tell, we still can't agree on a name. Hopefully he will have a name by the time he is born. Everything seems to be going well and he is keeping his feet in my ribs a lot. He isn't as active as Kate was, which I am very grateful because when he does move, it hurts.
Poor Chloe'! Later that day I caught her with Chloe on top of her table with a baby straddling her back like the doll was riding the weiner dog. It was very hard not to laugh! We have been preparing for Kate's third birthday for awhile now and her big present from us and my family was a swing set. Brian set it up a little bit before her birthday and she of course had to help him.
She is in love with this swing set. She wants to be on it 24/7. I have to drag her off of it to get her to do anything. She was swinging on it before Brian had even finished it.
Posted by
1:54 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
Baby Boy's Room
It is almost complete. Hubby just finished painting it and it looks super cute. I'm pretty excited because he also put the crib together and I got the bedding ready and he went ahead and put it on. Now we just have to paint a shelf to go over the dresser, pick out some cute little things to set on it and the changing table and it should be ready. I took some pics so you could see it. Hope you enjoy.....
Posted by
9:14 PM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Prison Time at School
Tuesday when I picked Kate up from school I was met by one of the teachers who told me that Kate had not been on her best behavior that day. Usually she is really good at school, so I was immediately upset that she had to tell me she was bad. Apparently, she was put in time out three times that day. THREE TIMES!!!! OMG, I thought I would cry. How embarrassing! Two of the times, her teachers asked her to stop talking and she completely ignored them and acted like they weren't talking to her so they had to extract her from the other kids because she was distracting them. The third crime was that she pushed someone down in the gym. So prison time was done for that one too. I expect her bad behavior at home but when she does it and I'm not there to rip her a new one , it is just plain embarrassing. I wanted to cry because I felt like I had done something wrong. At least she didn't act like she was going to hit the teacher or scream at her for putting her in time out. I would really be upset then! You know, you are always worried when you drop your kid off somewhere with someone else that they will be bad but usually they do better when they are with someone else. So it is a complete nightmare when you get a bad "report". I hope she does better, because I may put her in boot camp if she continues on this path.
Posted by
3:02 PM
Going through a "Phase"
I'm not just talking about Kate either! I think we are both going through a "phase". She has up until this point been a pretty good kid. She is usually very social, friendly and fun loving. Of course she does things every now and then that she shouldn't, but nothing out of the ordinary. Recently however, there has been a change. The stars must not be aligned right or something because I know a couple of her friends have had their moments lately also. She is screaming no at me and that she doesn't want to do whatever I want her to do. She is throwing stuff down and then refusing to pick it up. She is waking up several times a night and wanting me to sleep with her. (Side Note: I realize this is probably because she is in a new bed and new room), she refuses to pick up her toys and is acting like she can't hear me when I'm talking to her. I almost want to take her to a ENT to see if she is really having problems hearing. That is how bad she is ignoring me. I realize that some of the issues here are my fault because I've let her have choices in the past and now she thinks she gets a say in everything. But fighting me from the time she wakes up till I force her to go to sleep is getting out of hand. She has also been crying and telling me she doesn't want to go to school anymore because it isn't fun any more.
So how do I get through this? I'm also going through a "phase" and most would say it is because I'm pregnant. I'm sure that most of it is. My patience is almost non existent and I'm stressed all the time over everything and can't seem to get a whole lot done. I'm not usually one of those people that gets all worked up about stuff, but here lately, I can't help it. I feel like my world is spinning out of control and I'm just hanging on for dear life. I think I can seriously say that it would not be so bad if I were getting more sleep. I usually do much better when I get a good nights sleep. That hasn't happened in months due to pregnancy symptoms and Kate. I'll just go ahead and blame the pregnancy on the rest of my phase. And as I'm sitting here typing this, I feel guilty that I'm even complaining because I know most people think my life is so easy and I really don't have any problems. I know many people who are having serious problems and I feel so bad that I'm complaining. So if you are one of those people, please forgive me for whining. I'll try to be super happy after I give birth!
So, if I or my child have been mean, ugly or hateful to you recently, please chalk it up to our phase. I can't promise anything, but hopefully we will be over it in a couple of months. If not, please call the insane asylum and have me committed! Or, you could give me a late birthday present of some happy pills! A restraining jacket for my child would be appreciated also.
Posted by
3:02 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Cleaning is Never Ever Done
Why is it that you clean something and it seems like you turn the corner and there it is again, dirty? It seems like all I do is pick up and pick up and clean and clean. Can someone send me the cleaning fairies to keep my house clean and pick up after my child. I need a nap! On top of all this..... my sewing machine just broke down on me. All while I am trying to sew stuff to put in a festival that my friend signed us up for to have a booth. The universe is against me right now. Watch out... it is supposed to storm tomorrow and I may be hit with lightning. I also have my glucose test tomorrow to see if I have gestational diabetes. Everyone say a little prayer for me. Although, I'm sure I'll pass it. I can engulf a large amount of sugar and it not affect me in any way.
Posted by
11:43 AM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Venting while Hormonal
The past couple of weeks have flown by. They seem like a whirlwind. Always a ton of things to do, not enough time to do them in. I've wondered if I'm moving slower because of the whole pregnancy thing, but can't decide. I have decided that I do not like pregnancy! That is right. I said it, ok! This pregnancy has been anything but pleasant. I don't want to complain too much because it could be worse. I could have been throwing up all the time like some of my friends. After an almost perfect pregnancy with Kate, this one seems to be the worst for me.
I'm not looking for sympathy. Just for some people to get off my back. And telling me you understand that I'm pregnant and still expect the same stuff anyways, without asking to help, is wrong!!!!! I don't remember being this hormonal/emotional/overwhelmed/depressed/stressed/confused/bitchy/exhausted ever. And it seems to be getting worse. Everything irritates me. My child is driving me crazy and of course it is my fault for her bad behavior. I feel like a horrible friend because I can't keep up with any of them or what is going on in their life. I'm forgetful on everything. So I decided to come on here an vent a little. So here goes....
I've moved my child into a new room in a new big girl bed and she won't go to sleep without me in it. The bed is hard compared to mine and I'm hurting even more now from sleeping on it. Once I leave her I come to my soft bed. Then between midnight and 3 she wakes up crying for me to come back to her bed. This is making me exhausted. That is not including the four times I have to wake up to go to the bathroom. Then hubby's alarm goes off at 5am in order for him to hit snooze 4 to 5 times and not get up till 5:45. By then, I'm awake and want to die. Keep in mind that she isn't really falling asleep until 10pm.
I realize that everyone has things going on in their lives and everyone is usually consumed in them. I usually try to be supportive and active in my friends and family's lives and help out as much as possible. This usually helps me to get behind on things that I need to do for me or my family. I feel it is very important to be a good friend and family member. I also think it sets a good example for Kate so she will be a good friend and family member too. However, with my emotional and hormonal state, I can't do that right now. Please do not assume that I am available to do whatever you want me to do when you want me to do them. Please do not assume that I am ok with everything that you think is ok. Please do not assume that I will never get mad at you or disagree with you. Please understand that even now more than ever you may hurt my feelings by your words or your actions. Please understand that right now I'm feeling overwhelmed by so many things that maybe I need some "me" time. That does not mean I don't like(love) you. So if I act like I don't want to listen to your problems and take them on as my own, don't get your feelings hurt. I just can't do it anymore.
I feel so blessed to have family and friends that love me so much. There are so many things I have to be thankful for, such as:
- A wonderful husband
- A healthy active child
- A loving family
- A couple of great friends
- The chance to stay at home with Kate and watch her grow and learn
- I'm fairly healthy
- I don't do without
So, why do I complain? I don't know. I guess everyone needs to vent about their everyday stresses. Like, why can my hubby not understand that while staying home with Kate is such a blessing, I need time away from her. So leaving me on the weekend with her so he can go do something fun upsets me because doesn't he feel like I need a break too? Or, doesn't he feel like he can have fun spending time with us just as much as leaving us to do something else with someone else. Doesn't he understand that I get tired of having to explain to his child why daddy isn't home. She can't understand why she can't go canoeing with her daddy, even though technically she could have. But I know it would take time out of his free time to spend with his child. She loves him so much and wants to be with him, but he can't see this because all he can see is that she gets on his nerves and is demanding and whiny.
I am apparently a bad mother. According to several things that I have said or done or others have said. I try to feed her healthy food. I try to feed her a variety of foods so she won't be picky when she goes out and to others houses. However, I do let her eat some unhealthy food. I don't want her to be obsessed with eating this stuff as an adult so I feel like it is ok to indulge in a little now and then. I won't judge you about what you feed yourself or your kid if you don't try to make me feel bad about what I feed mine. I give her candy, Little Debbie snacks and we eat Fast Food! We also eat food that comes out of a plastic container. No, I'm not concerned about giving my kid cancer by toxins omitted from the plastic. I bathe my child every other day unless she is really dirty and then I will do the everyday thing. Sometimes, I forget to brush her teeth. Sometimes, I forget to brush her hair before I leave the house with her. I took her to school last week and forgot to take her lunch. I spank her, put her in time out, take things away from her... whatever it takes to make her behave. I don't want to tell anyone how to raise their child, but if you ask my opinion I might give it. Sometimes, I even shut her in her room when she is being so bad and I'm feeling like I can't take it anymore. I'd rather her be in there than me spank her out of madness! I've been using the TV as a babysitter a lot lately because I can't get anything done when she isn't watching it. I need to spend more time with her and play with her. I need to teach her more stuff. I need to be more patient with her. I need to stop giving in to her so much. But sometimes I get overwhelmed and these things either happen or don't.
Ok, so I'm going to try and redeem myself now and take Kate outside to blow bubbles and have some fun because she has been begging to go blow bubbles for about an hour now. Maybe I'll feel better since I've vented a little. Sorry I just felt like I needed to get some things off my chest.
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1:46 PM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Kate's New Room
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5:19 PM