Monday, May 5, 2008

Kate is Three Today!

Today my baby turned three and I feel like it just can't be. She has grown up way too fast and I don't want her to. She is such a big girl. She has been potty trained for almost a year now and we can have full conversations now. She is so creative and has the greatest imagination. She is loving and concerned when her friends get hurt or when people are sick. She loves babies and animals. She loves to climb and swing and slide and just play with her friends. She has been such a blessing to me and I can't imagine my life without her. It is so amazing to get to watch her grow and learn and surprising enough I am learning a lot from her too. When I met her father I thought I would never meet anyone else just like him. I love him so much and it astounds me that I can love someone that makes me so happy but so crazy at the same time. I understand him and don't at the same time. We've been married for eight years now and I'm still astounded at these feelings for him and I thought about three years ago I would never meet anyone who made me feel this way until now. My child is my husband. She may look like me but every ounce of her is him. She gives me such happiness and drives me crazy at the same time. She wants to fix everything just like her daddy. She tries to make deals, just like her daddy. She is stubborn, hard headed, and a smart mouth just like her daddy. She does get his loving side. She loves kisses and hugs. She has a great memory just like him. Don't ever tell her something if you don't want her to remind you later! Anyways, I'm rambling. Happy Birthday Baby! I love you.


Little Red's Momma said...

Happy Birthday Kate!!! We love you sweet girl !!!

Kelly said...

Hope she had a great birthday!