Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One Little Monkey Jumping on the Bed

I am not sure what to do, but Kate has recently been so defiant and she thinks it is so funny to jump on beds. I've told her to stop, but she ignores me. Threatening her life hasn't helped either. Since the homecoming of her brother, she has had some slight behavior problems. She can't get enough attention and usually she wants something when I have to feed John or I'm changing him or I'm trying to put him to sleep. She also has no concept of being quiet so we don't wake the baby. She also will not allow me to nap during the day, and boy do I need a nap. He is awake every three hours and in between that she gets up and wants something. So basically, I'm not all here, but I'm just trying to keep it together at this point. The house is gross, but the dishes are washed and the laundry's done. And we all ate dinner. I think that is pretty good at this point!

John is growing so much. He makes the cutest faces and he smiled at me yesterday. He has the prettiest smile. I love it when he starts to get upset and sticks his bottom lip out. It is so cute. Here are some pics to show you how cute my little man is.


Kelly said...

You're doing great! Hang in there and it will get better. John looks just like you, by the way!

Kelly said...

You're doing great! Hang in there and it will get better. John looks just like you, by the way!

I'm a Mom!..? said...

He looks just like his Mommy!! Hope you get some rest soon.

The Pullen Family said...

He's beautiful, Melanie! Congratulations. :) I hope that he's gotten better about sleeping at night and that you are a more well-rested Mommy.

XOXO, Allison