Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Way. Too. Cold!!!!

I recently (as of today) read a fellow bloggers blog and she was talking about how stinking cold it is today. It is so cold I get cold thinking about it. It is freezing outside and I'm almost sure it is almost as cold in this house. I can never get warm in our house when it is winter here. I don't like to be cold..... at all! I would rather stay in the house and never leave it. Which in my case is pretty crazy because I don't like to be couped up in the house. I like to be on the go or at least outside. This is why I continually tell my hubby we need to move to Florida. I would be warm and we would all be happy!!!! He has tried convincing me for awhile now to move North, but I would really never leave our house and I would be severely depressed. At least it could snow if it is going to be this cold, you know! It is 32 degrees right now. Snow damn it, Snow!!!!! So if you don't see me out and about as much as usual it is because I have locked myself in the house and I am covered up with a million blankets and as many sweatpants and shirts as possible.