Monday, January 7, 2008

I Have Energy!!!!!

This pregnancy has really taken a toll on me that I had not expected. I have been really tired. And sick. Not throw up sick, but just nauseous. It stinks. But I have felt fairly great the past few days, so I am very thankful. I am however, out of breath a lot. It is weird. Guess this baby is taking up more room than Kate did.

On a side note.... I feel very bad for something I said to a dear friend of mine today and I can't get it off of my mind. Please Please Please forgive me. I would never ever say anything to cause you more pain than you have already been through given the circumstances. I hope you will forgive me. I'll buy you brownies!!!!!! If you need some time to yourself, please drop little red off for some play time.

Kate spent the weekend with my mom so hubby and I got a lot accomplished this weekend. We painted our spare room to prepare it to be the guest room since we will be moving Kate into the room that is now the guest room. We are going to give the baby Kate's room. This being because our guest room is huge and a baby doesn't need all that space. We finally ordered a full size bed for Kate and it should be in in about two months so we can start getting her adjusted to her big girl bed in her big girl room. I hope that transition goes well.


Little Red's Momma said...

It's all good. You know I loves ya. I guess I'm a little guilty too. You know we're just a bunch of beotches !!!