Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Snow in Alabama

I'm a little behind in posting this, but at least I can get the pics up! It actually snowed in Birmingham! It was Kate's first snow and she loved it. It was probably right up there with her favorite activity of eating ice cubes. Once she figured out she could eat it, it was all over.

Of course since it was too hard to catch a lot in her mouth from it falling from the sky, she resorted to taking it off of hubby's car. I even caught her trying to lick his car!

Here is our house covered in snow. It was so pretty.
We got to have a snowball fight and Kate thought that was hilarious! And before the snow decided to melt we made Kate's very first snowman! Isn't it cute?
Kate was really upset on Sunday when he really began to melt and his head fell off. All she kept saying was "the snowman's head fell off!"
On another note:
Baby #2 is doing well. I went to the doctor on Thursday and got to hear the heartbeat. It was 152 beats per minute. I was able to schedule my sonogram for Feb. 21st so we can find out the sex of the baby. I'm so excited!