Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My new creation

I've recently signed Kate up for Mother's Day Out and in preperation for the big day she was required to get a few things to bring there. One of them being a sleep sack. The ones they were selling at the church she will be attending were really ugly. And $30. Enough said. I just didn't want one and besides, my friends Tara and Rachel already made one for their kids. So Tara came over with the directions, and we made one. Well, it took two days with three screaming kids tearing my house apart. However, I am very proud of it and Kate loves it. I totally think that we could sell these things, but I would have to make them without kids around. Anyways, Here are the pics.
Here it is rolled up.

Here it is rolled out.

I know, I know..... you can't believe I made this! Me either. It even has a strap to carry it. Cool Huh???? I'd like to give a shout out to my very bestest friend Tara for helping me and listening to all my stupid questions. I guess this is just helping me to become a little Martha Stewart. Now all I need is to learn how to cook better and clean better and I'll be on my way. Everyone pray for me!!!! :)


Anonymous said...

That looks great! We've sooo got to get Punkin' a new mat. I think he's an inch or two longer than his old one!

I'm sure enough not talented to make it though. Better get the search engine fired up....

I'm a Mom!..? said...

Very Cute!! I'm impressed.

Jessica said...

It's beautiful, I will def be "ordering" one from you when I have a girl. With mother's day out, you should have plenty of time :) j/k

Melanie said...

It was more difficult than I thought. But I am proud of it and may make another one. Maybe. Without the kid. After drinking heavily.

random_mommy said...

Holy cow! Too cute!!

Laura said...

I am so proud of you! That sleep sack looks great - when Anna Kate's big enough to go to MDO, I'll have to call you for the directions. Good job!