Here's how it works...I was tagged by The Mommy Diaries to identify six random things about myself, then I have to tag six other bloggers and have them do the same thing. So here goes...
1) I love, love, love making things. I pretty much would try anything if someone was willing to show me how. My problem is that I don't usually want to make one thing all the time. I get bored really easy.
2) When I open packages, they must be open from the top. Doesn't matter what it is. My spastic side won't let me open it any other way.
3) I don't like cooking. Not great at it and it brings me no pleasure. I love to bake stuff! Probably because I love desserts!
4) I love to travel, but don't because of the hubby. He acts like he wants to but will never plan for it and then if we actually do go somewhere he usually complains the whole time about spending the money when we could use it for something useful or makes me miserable. Hopefully this will get better.
5) I am not a germ-a-phobe. I do like things clean, but it seems like the harder I clean, the faster it gets dirty (house, kid, etc.). I let my kid get dirty because I know it is good for her to get some germs. However, there are some things even I can't handle.
6) I hate being cold. I could never move somewhere where it is cold most of the time. I would die!
I guess that is about it. I'm not sure if We Doo, Do You? has been tagged yet or not, so if not, you are tagged!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Six Random Things
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6:05 PM
Monday, May 5, 2008
Swim Lessons
Today Kate started her very first swim lessons. She did such a great job. Of course, no fear! She was so excited and had such a good time that she wanted to do it again.... right after the class was over! Here are some pics of our first swim lesson.
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1:54 PM
Kate is Three Today!
Today my baby turned three and I feel like it just can't be. She has grown up way too fast and I don't want her to. She is such a big girl. She has been potty trained for almost a year now and we can have full conversations now. She is so creative and has the greatest imagination. She is loving and concerned when her friends get hurt or when people are sick. She loves babies and animals. She loves to climb and swing and slide and just play with her friends. She has been such a blessing to me and I can't imagine my life without her. It is so amazing to get to watch her grow and learn and surprising enough I am learning a lot from her too. When I met her father I thought I would never meet anyone else just like him. I love him so much and it astounds me that I can love someone that makes me so happy but so crazy at the same time. I understand him and don't at the same time. We've been married for eight years now and I'm still astounded at these feelings for him and I thought about three years ago I would never meet anyone who made me feel this way until now. My child is my husband. She may look like me but every ounce of her is him. She gives me such happiness and drives me crazy at the same time. She wants to fix everything just like her daddy. She tries to make deals, just like her daddy. She is stubborn, hard headed, and a smart mouth just like her daddy. She does get his loving side. She loves kisses and hugs. She has a great memory just like him. Don't ever tell her something if you don't want her to remind you later! Anyways, I'm rambling. Happy Birthday Baby! I love you.
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1:54 PM
Playing Catch Up
It has been awhile since I've blogged but a lot has been going on. So let me try to catch you up. We are not quite through with baby boy's room yet, but it is mostly done. As you can tell, we still can't agree on a name. Hopefully he will have a name by the time he is born. Everything seems to be going well and he is keeping his feet in my ribs a lot. He isn't as active as Kate was, which I am very grateful because when he does move, it hurts.
Poor Chloe'! Later that day I caught her with Chloe on top of her table with a baby straddling her back like the doll was riding the weiner dog. It was very hard not to laugh! We have been preparing for Kate's third birthday for awhile now and her big present from us and my family was a swing set. Brian set it up a little bit before her birthday and she of course had to help him.
She is in love with this swing set. She wants to be on it 24/7. I have to drag her off of it to get her to do anything. She was swinging on it before Brian had even finished it.
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1:54 PM