Sunday, July 22, 2007

Kissing Boys

My 10 year class reunion was this weekend and the first part of it was at a park so we could bring our kids and everyone could see everyone elses kids. You know I was curious! And of course I wanted to show Kate off, because I am so very proud of her. I knew she would have a good time because I knew she would actually know some of the kids there. We keep in touch with some of the people that I graduated with. So Sebastian and Christine came and Kate really likes Sebastian and I think the feeling is mutual. They are so good together. They just played and chased each other around and held hands. And then they had a big hug and Sebastian grabbed her face and planted a huge kiss right on her lips. That is right she is already making out with boys. But I have to say.... if she is going to do it, at least I know him and his parents and I'm ok with it.


Seigworth Family said...

Hi guys.

I guess we had the same idea. I just started our family blog this week because I couldn't send emails to everybody. Kate is so cute and getting so big.

Thanks for the updates and pictures! Carol :)