Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Names (again)!

So after posting a list of the names we had broken it down to I received lots of suggestions. Then we actually got to where Brian liked John and I liked Chase. We continued to "discuss it" several times and finally on Sunday, we agreed to disagree! So John and Chase are out. Then he suggested the name Gray or Grey because he met a guy named that at a store that sold Kayaks. He really thinks he likes this name and we both said that we like the name Ford too. So...... now we are "thinking" about it some more. I have to let these names sit on me awhile and write them a couple hundred times before I want to make anything official. You know, I just keep thinking that this child will have the name we pick forever and ever. So I want to make sure it will be something I like to say a million trillion times. Plus I have to be able to yell it and it flow right. I now almost wish we would have given Kate a shorter name since I have to say the whole thing all the time now!