Thursday, April 10, 2008

Cleaning is Never Ever Done

Why is it that you clean something and it seems like you turn the corner and there it is again, dirty? It seems like all I do is pick up and pick up and clean and clean. Can someone send me the cleaning fairies to keep my house clean and pick up after my child. I need a nap! On top of all this..... my sewing machine just broke down on me. All while I am trying to sew stuff to put in a festival that my friend signed us up for to have a booth. The universe is against me right now. Watch out... it is supposed to storm tomorrow and I may be hit with lightning. I also have my glucose test tomorrow to see if I have gestational diabetes. Everyone say a little prayer for me. Although, I'm sure I'll pass it. I can engulf a large amount of sugar and it not affect me in any way.


A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

That's how I feel all the time....when it comes to cleaning it's never really done.

Kelly said...

I know exactly how you feel...I like my house clean and everything in it's place. Since Miss Priss came into the world, NOTHING is clean and NOTHING is in it's place.

I could also do without the snot on the sofa, as long as we're venting.