Tuesday, October 30, 2007


We have been very busy lately attending several pre-Halloween activities. We also carved our own pumpkins. Isn't mine cool?

We went to trunk or treat at Joe Tucker Park. I just had to post this picture because I thought it was so cute. Daddy and his princess.

We also attended a Halloween party at Ross Bridge, held by the MOMS League that we are members of. She had a good time, but usually does when there is a table full of food that she has complete access to. Especially if it is junk food! Here are a few pics of her and her friends.

Other things that have been going on lately:

School Pics - She looked so pretty before I took her to school. She even stood still and let me curl her hair. I was so proud. Unfortunately, it was a nasty day with misting rain. Her hair looked horrible by the time we got to school. Good thing I took pics before we left the house! Here you go:

She loves school. She is learning so much there. She can almost sing the whole alphabet and she can sort of count to 11. She leaves out a few numbers here and there. She is also learning a lot of songs. She comes home everyday and sings to me. She has been singing Jesus loves me and The Lord's Army and she even sings the blessing. It is sooooo cute! The only drawback of her going to school is that they only let her sleep for an hour and she really really needs two. So, she is a grumpy old hornet when she gets home till she goes to bed. She still is asking why every two seconds and she is also making up really good excuses why she shouldn't have to do things. She has now decided that she would rather eat junk food than something healthy for all meals. It is a battle 24 hours a day to get her to eat something healthy. We really should have bribed her with something else while potty training, but what can you do?

I've been working temporarily for the past month for my old job but have finally completed the job so I can focus on Thanksgiving and Christmas and Sewing. Yeah!!!!


Laura said...

How freakin' cute is that!!! I miss y'all so much and can't wait for us to start hanging out more when we move. LOVE Kate's "school pic" and the one with her daddy - too cute!

*Yankee Belle* said...

Cute cute cute! Just all around cute!